Anita Rodiņa

Judge of the Constitutional Court

Assoc. Prof., Dr. iur.

Anita Rodiņa was born on 12 October 1974.  

Studied at the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia (LU), where she acquired the qualification of a lawyer in 1998 and the degree of a Master of Social Sciences in legal science in 1999, whereas in 2007 – the doctoral degree in state law.  During her doctoral studies studied at  Aarhus University (Denmark). The theme of her doctoral theses was “The Theory of Constitutional Complaint and Practice in Latvia”. A scientific monograph with the same title was published in 2009.

Anita Rodiņa began working in 1997, as a Judge’s assistant at the Constitutional Court. During the initial  stage of her career,  she worked as a lawyer in several companies. In 2000, she started working as an assistant at the Department of State Law at the LU Faculty of Law. After three years she became  a lecturer at this Department, in 2008 – a docent, simultaneously  performing the duties of the Vice-Dean of the LU Faculty of Law. She served as the Vice-Dean, with a short break, until 2015, when she became the Dean of the LU Faculty of Law.  She served as the Dean until April 2021. From 2010 until 2013, as well as in the period from 2016  to 2021, she has been also the Senator at the LU Senate. In 2007 Anita Rodiņa became a sworn advocate.

Since 2014, Anita Rodiņa is an associate professor at the LU Faculty of Law. She teaches the following courses: Constitutional Law. Institutions; Constitutional Law. Process. Procedural Law of the Constitutional Court’s Proceedings.  She has been the scientific advisor for more than 250 students in their final academic works, including six doctoral theses. She has developed several study courses and the academic bachelor’s study programme in legal science.

From 2011 to 2017, Anita Rodiņa has been actively involved in the LU scientific research projects, in the framework of which she prepared scientific commentaries on several articles of the Satversme of the Republic of Latvia (Articles  18, 40, 46, 80, 85). In 2017, she was the scientific leader of the LU scientific research project “An Individual in the Constitutional Court:  Interaction between the Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Constitutional Complaint”. Anita Rodiņa also has been leading several projects (ESF, ERDF), implemented at the LU, an expert in various international studies and a member of committees.

In her research work, Anita Rodiņa has mainly focused on the area of constitutional law. She is the author of more than 65 publications, mainly on themes related to the role and significance of the Constitutional Court in Latvia, various aspects of the constitutional complaint, legal proceedings before the Constitutional Court, as well as other similar issues of law.  Since 2012, Anita Rodiņa has been a member of the editorial boards for more than 25 scientific editions in Latvian and English.

Anita Rodiņa has participated in numerous local and international scientific conferences, discussions, seminars and fora on aspects of international law, relevant issues in the area of constitutional law and human rights.

On 11 March 2021, Anita Rodiņa was approved as the Judge of the Constitutional Court and she entered office on 20 April 2021.

In 2019, she received the 2nd  Degree Badge of Honour of the Justice System for particularly significant contribution to the development of the justice system, strengthening of democracy and the rule of law, for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of justice and contribution to the development and implementation of policies in the justice sector, development of international relations, development of judicature, and fostering the knowledge and professionalism of the officials   belonging to the justice system.

In 2019, she received Letter of Commendation from the Ministry of Justice for long-term  and successful cooperation in the justice sector.

In 2014, she received Letter of Commendation from the Rector of LU for active and selfless performance of the Vice-Dean’s duties of office, facilitation of the international visibility of the LU and its Faculty of Law, as well as on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Faculty of Law.

In 2010, she received a letter of Appreciation from the Rector of LU for professionalism and loyalty, precise and timely work to ensure the possibility for the former students of the Police Academy of Latvia to continue their studies at the LU.