Juris Jelāgins

Vice-President of the Constitutional Court

Juris Jelāgins was born of 20 February 1949.

In 1978, he graduated the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia but, in 1984 he finished his post-graduate studies at the University of Latvia. In 1993, Juris Jelāgins attended a training course organized by the Danish School of Administration “Methodology of Studies”.

From 1984 to 1987, Juris Jelāgins worked as assistant of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure of the Faculty of Law at the University of Latvia. Since 1987, he is a lecturer of the Department of Theory of Law and Political Science of the Faculty of Law. In 1999, Juris Jelāgins was a guest lecturer at the Concordia International University.

Juris Jelāgins is the author of more than 20 publications, mainly concerning the problems of sources of law in legal theory and theoretical questions of constitutional law.

In 2000, Juris Jelāgins was approved as the Judge of the Constitutional Court. From 2008 to 2010, Juris Jelāgins was the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court. His term of office expired on June 2010.

In 2021, Juris Jelāgins received the Justice System 2nd degree Medal of Honor for a particularly significant contribution or achievement in strengthening the justice system.